Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced about their news paper application that is planned to be launched on the apple ios platform, starting from February 3rd. They planned to celebrate Facebook’s 10th birthday a day before by launching incredible news paper application on 3rd February. Facebook provides content extravaganza for its all users by announcing the news app on Apple devices. By using this app one can share absolutely anything they would like to share. This app will be the first app of Facebook creative labs. This news paper app was created by a small team of 15 members. The name Facebook creative labs personifies a place to create apps but it is not a lab literally, but a group of employees who are focused on developing applications.
After downloading users are welcomed with a news feed. The native apps also include news feed but when compared to Facebook, news paper news feed, it has new design. The bottom half page of the app shows the link stores and status updates. The first half of the page shows videos and photos. Another major advantage for the users is that they can subscribe to different sections. Every user can add their liked section such as sports, News, business, food, photography etc. If one shares any thing on paper , that will also appear in regular face book news feed.
In Facebook the posts and pages which are subscribed by friends will commonly appear on news feed. Using this news paper app one can enjoy to view a variety of posts that are related to the sections which are picked by user. This is a great experience for the users of the application because once can view the latest content all the time. One can view the latest trending news without missing them. The news or food stuff which is liked by friends will trend in user’s news feed. It not just looks like flip board , but has the content feed by other users. Facebook also contains a bunch of data which will popularly trend in news feed section. Likes and shares are common in Facebook but by this news paper app if some one shares a resource publicly, it will appear on their friends news feed then the like’s, shares and views to the posts will rapidly increase.