A recent research done by few researchers revealed a very exciting fact about our smart phones. Today’s smart phones are loaded with app which we are depending on. So this research notifies the user about that their phone app might track their location. This group of researchers comes up with an App which notifies us.
The research done by lead project developer Janne told that on our smart phone there is an icon but it is very tiny. On the interface of our android phone we can see when an App accesses our location information. But this knowledge is not known by everyone. Very few people know about it. App which is developed by them place a mark or a banner on the other App saying that this particular App is accessing their location information.
It is quiet shocking when this App is used practically because the results are very annoying. People are continuously using the Apps which are accessing their private location information. Another survey done regarding the said research most of the people want to disable their smart phone of this location information. But there are others also who want to know the details of this collection. In words of Janne the assistant professor the main goal of creating the App is that they want Google and other App developers to become more transparent. This app gives an authority to app user that how much and at what time they want to share their location information and any other data.
This kind of app accessing our location information is done to target a particular user for specific ads. One more reason behind collecting our location data is that it can be circulate to other advertising companies too. Right now the App is on trial basis and in a very short span of time it will be available. Currently the App is added at the Google play store but within the time frame of two month it is becoming available. Now a day’s people use android phone without thinking twice. It doesn’t mean that we should stop using it but we should be very cautious because accessing data from our phone can turn out to be very problematic. Researches are being conducted by people to make our phone more reliable.
More and more apps are coming in market for our android phone but we should be more careful before using it. Might the app is accessing our personal information.